Your date night strategy is definitely paying off if you make it to the 2nd date! You’ve obviously impressed your date with your charisma, personality and 1st date activity choice. Now it’s time to establish real intimacy.
The restaurant date is a tried and tested option. By saving this experience for your 2nd date you create a more intense sense of intimacy, fun and excitement. You’ll also have the advantage of knowing more about your companion, so that you can pick the perfect restaurant that will appeal to their cuisine preferences and taste buds. Choose a top-notch restaurant that has a great atmosphere, excellent food and outstanding service. Dining at a chic and unique venue will definitely improve your chances of date number 3!
The adrenaline rush of thrilling activities help to bond people together. A visit to a theme park is a relaxed and fun 2nd date choice. There’s no pressure to dress to impress, you have plenty of time to chat whilst queuing, and you can sit intimately close on all of the rides! A day out at a theme park will also reveal a great deal about your date’s personality.
The 3rd Date And Beyond
Things are obviously running smoothing, and the romance is hotting up, once you get to the 3rd date. At this point you may want to invite your date to your place.
Getting cosy on the sofa and enjoying a good movie is a relaxed way to naturally progress things from the 2nd date. Inviting your date into your personal space allows you to check how comfortable they are in your world. Pick a film genre that you both like and select food and drinks to complement your viewing choice. Scary movies are great for getting the adrenaline pumping, and for snuggling up closer on the sofa.
Cooking together is both romantic and highly enjoyable. As you prep the ingredients, and enjoy a relaxed conversation and a glass of wine, you’ll be able to gauge how great you are together. After a romantic dinner for two, you can make up your own entertainment!
A great way to maintain the momentum of good memorable dates is to do some fun activities together. Competitive activities like bowling, go-karting, climbing and junk/crazy golf will reveal how you complement and contrast with each other.
Applying a dating strategy is fun and easy to do. By choosing an appropriate meeting place, and following the simple steps in the game plan, you instantly maximise your chances of enjoying every 1st date experience. As a result of your dating success, the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent dates are yours for the taking!